Welcome to The Islamic Institute Dar El Huda in Amsterdam
Islamic Institute of Amsterdam Dar el Huda – Minaret in the heart of AmsterdamIslamic Institute of Amsterdam Dar el Huda – Minaret in the heart of AmsterdamIslamic Institute of Amsterdam Dar el Huda – Minaret in the heart of Amsterdam
Ekingenstraat 9 1069 DA Amsterdam
Islamic Institute of Amsterdam Dar el Huda – Minaret in the heart of AmsterdamIslamic Institute of Amsterdam Dar el Huda – Minaret in the heart of AmsterdamIslamic Institute of Amsterdam Dar el Huda – Minaret in the heart of Amsterdam

Cultural and social development

Cultural and social development


Social activities of the institute:

In addition to activities, culture and education activities, establishing religious rites, educational and educational courses and seminars, caring for women and youth, monitoring and nurturing new converts, to strengthen and strengthen unity, coexistence and harmony between Muslims and other owners of other religions and beliefs, a translation of what the Noble Qur’an has laid down Foundations, principles and rules for dealing with non-Muslims, and to strengthen relations between members of the Muslim community in this country with others, the Institute organizes a number of diverse social and cultural activities aimed at building relationships with all levels of society. It has set itself the goal of strengthening the relationship between all sections of Dutch society in order to strengthen the bridges of communication and trust in order to achieve social security and stability. In order to achieve this noble goal, the Institute organized dozens of meetings and evenings attended by a large section of the different spectrums of Dutch society, including representatives of churches and temples, under various titles and topics, most notably: Strengthening Spiritual and intellectual security . Collaboration to consolidate the values ​​of a culture of dialogue. Countering the rhetoric of extremism. How do we head the tide of right-wing extremism. The role of religious education in the protection of society. The role of religious institutions in building a cohesive society. And other topics witnessed by the Institute’s headquarters.

The Institute has also participated in many forums and events that promote the spread of a culture of tolerance, achieve mutual respect and dialogue between different institutions and religious, cultural and social sects in Dutch society, regardless of their background, age, beliefs, opinions , nationalities and colours.

Among its social activities: receiving delegations and visitors to the Islamic Institute Dar Al-Huda from Dutch and others, especially students from schools in the different stages and universities, with the aim of getting to know the mosque and its role in the mosque, acquaintance and cooperation with the institution of the institute, as well as answers to questions related to the Islamic religion.

The Institute also conducts activities to introduce Islam and respond to malicious suspicions against Islam and Islamic civilization.

In the month of Ramadan, the Institute organizes many activities, social programs and cultural festivals as it conducts Iftar operations targeting all segments of society, including collective iftars catering to the needs of the needy, homeless and needy non-Muslims. † For the Ramadan Iftars organized by the Institute, the Institute’s neighbors and the city’s notables have been invited, including clergy, politicians, security and others.

The institute visits patients in hospitals in front of their clinic, to raise their morale and help them as much as possible.

It also deals with the affairs of prisoners and their moral consciousness. The Institute also sets aside moments for the care of children, girls and young people who have fallen into delinquency to help them restore their balance, improve their behavior and help them integrate well and effectively into society. While preserving their religion, culture and religious identity.

Dar el Huda voluntarily participates in cleaning up the neighborhood in which the center is located through the network of volunteers who work in the Institute.

He also conducts night tours of some neighborhoods whose residents are experiencing difficulties due to the behavior of some young teens, with the aim of engaging with them and reminding them of their duty to respect residents and neighbors and the safety of the neighborhood. to maintain , the city and the country in general.

The Institute holds a monthly meeting to which non-Muslim neighbors of the Institute are invited for the purpose of knowledge, rapprochement and closer bonding in accordance with Islamic morality and principles that recommend the rights of the neighbor. In turn, the Institute participates in meetings, events and important national issues to which it is called, as a useful and successful center by all standards.

The institute has a commendable initiative it launched at the end of 2018 that aims to promote dialogue between mosques and churches at the level of Amsterdam. The initiative involves a number of mosques and churches as it focuses on cooperation and dialogue, spreading tolerance and cooperation, combating all forms of intolerance, combating hate speech, violence and extremism, and of a culture of dialogue and living. Common issues, respecting pluralism and accepting the other, and addressing topics such as: resisting atheism, strengthening the values ​​of faith and morals, aiming at agreement and rejecting disagreements. These meetings explain the reality of Islam and Islam’s view of the universe, nature and man, while highlighting the aspects of tolerance and social solidarity that are at the core of the Islamic faith.

Organization of the annual Ramadan Forum in honour of representatives of diplomatic and civil institutions in the Netherlandst
Solidarity visits to hospital patients and care and reintegration centres
Participation of the Institute's volunteer network and volunteers in social campaigns
Organization of cultural festivals and exhibitions
Organization of collective iftars for Muslims and others
Organization of the monthly forum to communicate with the Institute's surroundings and neighbours


At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)