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Islamic Institute of Amsterdam Dar el Huda – Minaret in the heart of AmsterdamIslamic Institute of Amsterdam Dar el Huda – Minaret in the heart of AmsterdamIslamic Institute of Amsterdam Dar el Huda – Minaret in the heart of Amsterdam
Ekingenstraat 9 1069 DA Amsterdam
Islamic Institute of Amsterdam Dar el Huda – Minaret in the heart of AmsterdamIslamic Institute of Amsterdam Dar el Huda – Minaret in the heart of AmsterdamIslamic Institute of Amsterdam Dar el Huda – Minaret in the heart of Amsterdam

Volunteers from the Institute support Dutch authorities, the night of Morocco’s victory

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  • Volunteers from the Institute support Dutch authorities, the night of Morocco’s victory

The Institute supports the team of volunteers beside the security authorities to maintain safety, on the night of the celebration of the Moroccan community in the Netherlands of the qualification of the Moroccan team for the Golden Square of Qatar 2022 *

Amsterdam’s Islamic Institute Dar El-Huda, along with security authorities to maintain security and safety, volunteered on the night of the Moroccan community in the Netherlands celebrating the qualification of the Moroccan team for the Golden Square of Qatar 2022.

The Institute was represented in the team of volunteers by Sheikh Abd al-Ilah al-Amrani, accompanied by a group of volunteers from the Islamic Institute, Dar al-Huda. Their presence in the crowd of fans and their celebrations was a source of reassurance, and the celebrants were sensitized to the values of joy that would bring about the celebration while maintaining peace and security for citizens and their property.

In this regard, the Islamic Institute of Dar Al-Huda, Amsterdam, thanked the Dutch security authorities for their great efforts in maintaining security during the organization of the 2022 Qatar World Cup, while inviting all citizens with a spirit and sporting ethics everywhere.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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