Welcome to The Islamic Institute Dar El Huda in Amsterdam
Islamic Institute of Amsterdam Dar el Huda – Minaret in the heart of AmsterdamIslamic Institute of Amsterdam Dar el Huda – Minaret in the heart of AmsterdamIslamic Institute of Amsterdam Dar el Huda – Minaret in the heart of Amsterdam
Ekingenstraat 9 1069 DA Amsterdam
Islamic Institute of Amsterdam Dar el Huda – Minaret in the heart of AmsterdamIslamic Institute of Amsterdam Dar el Huda – Minaret in the heart of AmsterdamIslamic Institute of Amsterdam Dar el Huda – Minaret in the heart of Amsterdam

Pupils’ reception for the new school season

Contact with our children is renewed after their summer holidays, and the covenant is renewed with the message of education and learning at the beginning of a new school season.
With joy and joy, the Islamic Institute’s administrative and educational staff received Dar Al-Huda, Amsterdam, its students who are involved in its educational programs with their parents and parents. The reception was characterized by organizing educational and recreational activities and announcing the start of the season in a positive spirit, especially after the critical period of study during the pandemic and its precautionary measures.

The Director of the Institute, Professor and Sheikh Abdul Ellah Al-Amrani, welcomed all old and new students, noting the efforts of the educational staff of the Institute and the cooperation of parents with its educational project, stressing the participatory approach in the development of the Institute’s educational activities and programmes.

The Sheikh Al-Amrani also noted that the new school season will know the development and renewal of his educational activities, in particular the teaching of the Holy Quran, Arabic language and Islamic education, and the addition of an Islamic Shari ‘a section and distance teaching units. Parents also welcomed the training courses that will be programmed for their benefit in order to seek leadership and excellence in the service of the children of the Muslim community in the Netherlands.

The Institute’s professors presented the results of the season, which were generally honourable, indicating the compulsions and difficulties that were overcome by God’s gratitude through effective follow-up, support programmes and parallel activities.

The reception concluded with various paintings and refresher paragraphs, with the distribution of souvenirs for children and the presentation of dishes of desserts and appetizers in the honour of guests on the occasion, expressions of love and encouragement for a launch entitled Success and Excellence.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)