The Director of the Islamic Institute, Dar el-Huda, Amsterdam/Netherlands, Professor Abdelelilah al-Amrani, participated in the scientific session organized by the European Council of Moroccan Scientists in Frankfurt with the participation of 120 imams, guides and members of a group of religious institutions in Europe.
The Director of the Islamic Institute Dar Al-Huda, Amsterdam, Mr. Abdelelelilah Al-Amrani commended the theme of the session and its importance in the current circumstance, noting the efforts of the European Council of Moroccan Scientists in Germany in framing the role of imams and developing and rationalizing religious discourse interacting with various societal issues emerging in Europe ra.
The session was framed by the President of the European Council of Moroccan Scientists, Fazila Sheikh Al-Bakali Al Khammar, Vice-President of the European Council of Moroccan Scientists, and Fazila Dr. Mustafa Al-Mourabet, President of the Maghabi Centre, and F.
Interveners in the recommendations of the session called for the rationalization and renewal of the advocacy discourse, as agreed by the multiple European Community, and that the areas of discourse are numerous and diverse, requiring renewal of the discourse and treatment of the inhabitants in accordance with the purposes of the sharia.