Muslims in the Kingdom of the Netherlands celebrated the first day of Eid al-Adha, 2022/1443, and the spaces allocated by government agencies to perform Eid prayers were filled.
As usual, the mosque of the Islamic Institute of Dar al-Huda in Amstdam organized Eid prayers in the space of the square adjacent to the institute’s headquarters in the neighbourhood of Ozdorop, where large crowds of worshippers and congregations representing multiple nationalities resided in the Dutch capital Amstdam.
Cheerful and delighted in their faces as they exchanged congratulations on this happy occasion, expressing their joy at the status of détente and easing the restrictions of the epidemiological situation imposed by the two years of lockdown due to the aftermath of the pandemic.
After shedding the throats of worshippers with the enlargement of Eid al-Adha, following the example of our Prophet, God Almighty, Professor Sheikh Abdullah al-Amrani, Director and fiancé of the Islamic Institute, Dar al-Huda, Amsterdam, said:
Allah Almighty Sedna Ismail with great slaughter, after his father Ibrahim’s determination to slaughter him; In compliance with God’s Almighty Order: (Our delegations are with great slaughter) slaughter becomes a ritual of religion, confirming the sanctity of this man and the inviolability of his bloodshed.
The Professor also focused on the religious connotations of the Islamic Ummah’s blessed Eid al-Adha, invoking the values of tolerance, fraternity, the spirit of solidarity, the connection of the womb, the meeting of believers with their families, the exchange of congratulations and the renewal of brotherhood and kinship.
His virtue also called on Muslims in general, and young people in particular, to righteousness and benevolence of their parents, since their land was one of the greatest acts, and urged parents to raise their children well, teach them the principles of religion and contribute to building a generation that was beneficial to their society and good for their nation.
Al-Amrani called for good neighbourliness and charity for non-Muslims in particular, with good treatment and respect for all.
At the end of the Eid sermon, the preacher pleads to Allah Almighty that this religious occasion shall be the opening of good and pleasures, and that the pain, wars and epidemic shall be lifted on all mankind, and that peace and security shall prevail on the country and worshippers, with a special prayer for the Netherlands with security and safety.