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Islamic Institute of Amsterdam Dar el Huda – Minaret in the heart of AmsterdamIslamic Institute of Amsterdam Dar el Huda – Minaret in the heart of AmsterdamIslamic Institute of Amsterdam Dar el Huda – Minaret in the heart of Amsterdam
Ekingenstraat 9 1069 DA Amsterdam
Islamic Institute of Amsterdam Dar el Huda – Minaret in the heart of AmsterdamIslamic Institute of Amsterdam Dar el Huda – Minaret in the heart of AmsterdamIslamic Institute of Amsterdam Dar el Huda – Minaret in the heart of Amsterdam

An evening of communication between the Institute and some church officials in Amsterdam

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  • An evening of communication between the Institute and some church officials in Amsterdam

As part of the distinctive relationship between the Islamic Institute of Dar al-Huda, Amsterdam, bishops and officials of the churches and temples of Amsterdam and the outskirts, a delegation of the Christian churches of Amsterdam visited the headquarters of the Islamic Institute of Dar al-Huda, Amsterdam, on the evening of Wednesday, March 17, 2021, from 18:45. The delegation headed by Bert de Ruiter received the head of the Christian delegation and the Chief Archbishop of the Christian Church in Amstrom, who works in the Department of Relations between Christian and Islamic Religions, Fiancé and Director of the Institute Professor: Abdul Elmarani, who at the outset welcomed the Institute’s guests, Thank them for their good efforts and constant communication with the Islamic Institute of Dar Al-Huda Noting the high level of cooperation between the Institute and the churches of Amsterdam and the periphery in the interest of society, as well as the results of religious and cultural activities within the framework of promoting and strengthening linkages and continuous coordination of joint action in order to achieve coexistence, respect and peace for all, With the rejection of all forms of violence and hatred within Dutch multicultural and multicultural society.

This initiative is one of the valuable initiatives organized by the Islamic Institute of Dar al-Huda, Amsterdam, which erases stereotypes about Islam and Muslims and is published by some Western media in the minds of Europeans. Such initiatives reflect the extent of coexistence between different cultures and divine religions.

The floor was also addressed by the Institute’s guests, who at the outset expressed their gratitude, great pleasure and great thanks to the Institute for organizing this useful evening and frequent meetings, which must be viewed with hopeful insights and confidence in a better tomorrow.
On the sidelines of this evening, Moroccan tea and desserts were offered to the Institute’s guests.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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